Hekiganroku - Case 56: Kinzan and the "Arrow" A Zen devotee named Ryo asked Kinzan, "What is it when one single arrow breaks through three barriers?" Kinzan said, "Drive out the master from behind the barriers, so that I may see him." Ryo said, "If so, I will acknowledge my failure and correct it." Kinzan said, "Till when do you want to wait?" Ryo said, "I made a nice shot, but no one could see the arrow," and he went out. Kinzan said, "Wait, sir." Ryo turned his head. Kinzan grasped him and said, "Let's put aside the story of the arrow which breaks through three barriers. Just shoot an arrow for me, so that I may see it." Ryo hesitated. Kinzan hit him seven times with a stick and said, "I will allow this fellow to keep puzzling for thirty years."